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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening
Posted by: Sue Rowe
Date/Time: 09/02/25 14:15:00

Brentford still has a population of under 30,000. Far too low for the traditional anchor stores, many of which have either disappeared (Debenhams, BHS, Woolworths etc.) or are shrinking in numbers - Boots closed 300 branches in 2024 alone, M&S are closing some 60 of their full-line stores over a 3-year period, although growing the number of food-only outlets like the new one at Ealing Broadway station. But it does seem unlikely that they or one of their franchise partners would open something in Brentford until the population grows and the demographics become clearer. Hopefully Holland & Barrett's arrival will encourage more footfall locally and help persuade more residents to shop locally rather than think mail order and home delivery is the answer to everything.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Hewson Books not reopening07/02/25 16:00:00 Tracie Dudley Craig
   Re:Hewson Books not reopening07/02/25 16:29:00 Simon Hayes
      Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening07/02/25 17:14:00 Tracie Dudley Craig
      Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening07/02/25 17:47:00 David Cook
         Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening07/02/25 18:32:00 Tracie Dudley Craig
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening07/02/25 19:11:00 David Cook
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening07/02/25 20:38:00 Elizabeth Price
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening07/02/25 21:30:00 Tracie Dudley Craig
   Re:Hewson Books not reopening07/02/25 20:58:00 Anne England
      Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening07/02/25 21:15:00 Simon Hayes
         Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening07/02/25 21:27:00 CE Combes
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening07/02/25 21:34:00 Tracie Dudley Craig
      Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening07/02/25 21:33:00 Tracie Dudley Craig
         Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening07/02/25 21:38:00 Anne England
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening08/02/25 09:47:00 David Cook
   Re:Hewson Books not reopening08/02/25 10:03:00 Graham Cooper
      Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening08/02/25 10:34:00 Jim Lawes
         Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening08/02/25 11:02:00 Tracie Dudley Craig
         Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening08/02/25 19:31:00 Anne England
      Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening08/02/25 10:53:00 Tracie Dudley Craig
         Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening08/02/25 12:32:00 Elizabeth Price
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening08/02/25 12:38:00 David Cook
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening08/02/25 12:47:00 Peter Evans
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening08/02/25 12:49:00 David Cook
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening08/02/25 13:46:00 Tracie Dudley Craig
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening08/02/25 17:57:00 Philippa Bond
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening08/02/25 19:27:00 Tracie Dudley Craig
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening08/02/25 13:39:00 Tracie Dudley Craig
         Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening09/02/25 14:15:00 Sue Rowe
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening09/02/25 18:05:00 Tracie Dudley Craig
   Re:Hewson Books not reopening09/02/25 13:53:00 Chris Dakers
      Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening09/02/25 20:40:00 David Cook
         Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening13/02/25 17:32:00 Jeremy Parkinson
   Re:Hewson Books not reopening03/03/25 18:14:00 Rob Jones
      Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening03/03/25 20:18:00 Anne England
   Re:Hewson Books not reopening03/03/25 18:14:00 Rob Jones
      Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening04/03/25 00:23:00 Jim Lawes
         Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening04/03/25 09:20:00 Guy Lambert
         Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening04/03/25 09:33:00 Anne England
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening04/03/25 12:31:00 Jim Lawes
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hewson Books not reopening04/03/25 17:34:00 Anne England

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