Topic: | Another Thames Water blunder or just plain arrogance? | Forum Home |
Posted by: | Steve Taylor | |
Date/Time: | 02/04/06 10:17:00 |
The Mogden Residents Action Group (MRAG) has asked me to post the following in your Brentford forum just so that you can be prepared if you or your children are planning on visiting your neighbours in Isleworth or Twickenham TW7 during the holidays. (although you may be OK if you take a gas-mask) "Just as our schools start the Easter holiday and some of us take a break, Thames Water has announced that it will start draining down one of the Primary Settlement Tanks at Mogden Sewage Treatment Works on 3 April and you may expect an increased level of odour because of this work. Incredible timing isn't it? When one considers how previous Easter holidays have been ruined over the years by the unlawful odour from Mogden one wonders if this is yet another blunder by Mogden's management or simply another example of total lack of consideration for residents. In its latest newsletter Thames Water have finally admitted that it has only carried out 4 odour surveys at Mogden. This despite the fact that residents have been complaining for a decade. It is quite astounding that the first survey was only in 2002 some 15 months after the Abatement Notice was served in 2001. Also astounding that Thames Water has stated that odour at the site has reduced every year since 2002. Not true we're afraid. Results of the surveys actually showed that some of the processes showed increased odour year on year as the site deteriorated. Join the legal action against Thames Water now by contacting Hugh James Solicitors on freephone 0845 402 3257. Hugh James are taking cases on a 'no win no fee' basis and this high profile case is also being backed by the Legal Services Commission (formerly the Legal Aid Board). Visit Hugh James website for more information or contact Mogden Residents Action Group by email at Thank you for your support Mogden Residents Action Group (MRAG) " |