Interesting that Thames Water spokesman Nick Tennant has not commented on anything here but I suppose this is in itself an admission of just how pathetic the old excuses have become. The Evening Standard report today on the House of Lords sub-committee findings were also interesting if not predictable but at least it was good to hear that The Earl of Selborne has told Thames Water it must stop making excuses for the worst leakage rate in the country. He reiterated that the company must stop blaming factors such as the Victorian pipe network and London's clay soil. The House of Lords has now sent a clear message to Thames Water's CEO, Jeremy Pelczer, that "Thames Water are not meeting targets set by OFWAT and should clearly be fined for it". The report went on to say that "the Regulator could fine Thames Water more than £100 million, 10% of its regulated turnover of just over £1 billion, if it fails to meet its target to cut leakage to 30% for the 2005-06 financial year"
The pressure is now on Mr Pelczer to get his act together. All eyes will also be on the Regulator Ofwat to ensure that appropriate action is taken. In 2004 Defra Minister, Lord Larry Whitty, had to take Thames Water's then MD, John Sexton, to task at a meeting with various Defra officials, MP's Vince Cable and Ann Keen and various environmentalists, Councillors and residents, including yours truly, over very serious environmental issues. Lord Whitty is now a non executive director of Ofwat so time has run out for Thames Water.... Sorry Nick - time for some real action - no more meaningless words or patronising little letters from your CEO treating us like 5 year olds with headers "Let's beat the drought together" Yes of course we can all save water and yes of course we will save water - but the leaking pipes - they're yours so get them fixed and get them fixed quickly or suffer the consequences.