Forum Message

Topic: Street Cleaning
Posted by: John Todd
Date/Time: 11/04/13 08:04:00

I've just seen this post.

We asked HH and received the following response;

From Rebecca Mastrogiannis, Environmental Services and Sustainability Manager of Hounslow Highways in response to a query that there seem to be  fewer or no litter pickers.  

“The borough has been divided into east, central and west and each day there are 25 areas with a street cleaner and supported by a mechanical sweeper, that are cleaned 5 days a week”.

Litter picking

Hounslow Highways has adopted a strategy for improvement for street cleansing.

Hounslow Highways has established a rolling schedule to ensure that every road in the borough is cleaned once every two weeks. The methods of cleansing will incorporate a street cleaner to remove litter from the footways, a compact sweeper to remove litter and detritus from the channels, and a large sweeper to clean the main streets. Overtime using this method more and more old detritus will be removed along with litter from the streets.

The borough has been divided into east, central and west and each day there are 25 areas with a street cleaner and supported by a mechanical sweeper, that are cleaned 5 days a week, Hounslow Highways call these ‘manors’. Town centres are cleaned at 6am in the morning with a mechanical sweeper and then street cleansing operatives during the rest of the day. For example there are three street cleaners in Chiswick High Road daily. There are currently five compact sweepers and two large sweepers in operation during the day. The service is then supported by 9 caged vehicles. 3 of these vehicles are collecting the arising from the street cleaners, for example the green bags, and emptying litter bins across the borough. The remaining 6 vehicles are collecting fly tips and also react to enquiries reporting fly tips and any other cleansing issues that fall below the acceptable standard. The weekend service concentrates on town centres, litter bins and fly tipping. This method of cleansing is more effective and will ensure the cleanliness will improve and be maintained. We are currently developing a new routing system so we can advise residents of the day their road will be cleaned. Please refer to our website as we hope to load this information onto the website to keep people informed, we hope this information will shortly be on the website. Hounslow Highways has been reviewing and monitoring the streets and has found that there is a problem with litter coming from the domestic waste collection. We have discussed this with the Waste and Recycling team to ensure that Sita are clearing any litter created from the domestic refuse collection. Any spillages that arise from the domestic and recycling waste services should be reported to :  which will be dealt with and cleared by their contractor. Parked cars also make it difficult to clean the street thoroughly, however HH are looking at this problem and hope to work with LBH to find a solution here. We are now reviewing how effective the service described is, monitoring is showing improvement and will update you with any changes in service.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Crazy introduction of Fortnightly Street Cleaning08/04/13 19:04:00 Paul Badiani
   Re:Crazy introduction of Fortnightly Street Cleaning08/04/13 21:40:00 James Byerley
   Re:Crazy introduction of Fortnightly Street Cleaning09/04/13 10:42:00 Vanessa Smith
      Re:Re:Crazy introduction of Fortnightly Street Cleaning09/04/13 12:52:00 Simon Foster
         Re:Re:Re:Crazy introduction of Fortnightly Street Cleaning09/04/13 13:02:00 Vanessa Smith
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Crazy introduction of Fortnightly Street Cleaning09/04/13 13:15:00 Simon Foster
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Crazy introduction of Fortnightly Street Cleaning09/04/13 13:55:00 Raymond Havelock
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Crazy introduction of Fortnightly Street Cleaning09/04/13 14:06:00 Vanessa Smith
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Crazy introduction of Fortnightly Street Cleaning09/04/13 14:18:00 Simon Foster
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Crazy introduction of Fortnightly Street Cleaning09/04/13 14:21:00 Phil Andrews
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Crazy introduction of Fortnightly Street Cleaning09/04/13 14:08:00 Simon Foster
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Crazy introduction of Fortnightly Street Cleaning10/04/13 19:00:00 Jennifer Selig
   Re:Crazy introduction of Fortnightly Street Cleaning10/04/13 15:29:00 Paul Badiani
   Re:Crazy introduction of Fortnightly Street Cleaning10/04/13 15:41:00 Paul Badiani
       Street Cleaning11/04/13 08:04:00 John Todd
         Re: Street Cleaning11/04/13 08:25:00 Michael Brandt
      Re:Re:Crazy introduction of Fortnightly Street Cleaning11/04/13 20:30:00 James Byerley

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