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Topic: This is all very sad
Posted by: Sarah Felstead
Date/Time: 13/05/09 14:34:00

"Competitive bumping however is a little silly"

I can't see how you can say anything is competitive about bringing the constant discussions about MPs to the top of the page to see what has been said about the issue over many years.  What is really silly is how we all look on the world stage; how we encourage people to vote and how we get the right people to have the want to go into Parliament having tasted the outside world and then peeked into this strange one though the TV cameras.

This situation is a complete disgrace and to hear what is being said by some MPs to justify their claims is incredible.  One poor chap (!) appeared so incensed about people picking over his expenses that he demanded on a news programme that they consider taking the biscuits out of the green room.

The rules now being 'blamed' let the MPs down.  When they entered Parliament they appear to have settled in to claiming what they could and not what they should in the spirit of guarding the public purse and doing the very privileged job they were elected to do.  Any MP who proudly states they didn’t make outrageous claims cannot hide because they must have known it was going on and now the situation reflects badly on them too. 

'Change' must be the most over used and yet meaningless political spin word in history – you have to work out what is going on, in order to work out what 'change' should be.  The real change in this system starts with enabling people to ask the right questions to challenge what is going wrong.  I feel really sorry for the poor sod who apparently tried to tell the Speaker that things weren't quite right.

It would be a distraction to send the Police after whoever leaked this information - if their name is announced they will probably receive a few million nominations for a medal or two.  Of course the Police should be involved if payments have been made on claims which clearly are not reasonable for running a second home to be near to parliament resulting in a loss to the public purse just as anyone would expect of a common benefit thief.

I am pretty angry as I regard the right to vote very important, driven home recently by researching the 1911 census where thousands of women refused to take part in the census in protest at not being allowed to vote.  My sons are at work where this is on the radio and the canteen is full of discussion about flipping houses and evading this or that tax - all spoken about in terms of a huge fraud -   and they wonder about taking and using their vote.

Now the 'secret is out' it is not being handled very well either - listen to Conservative MP Ann Widdecombe

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         Re:Re:CBS news02/04/09 20:13:00 Sarah Felstead
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         Re:Re:Bump Bump Bump13/05/09 11:53:00 Phil Andrews
         This is all very sad13/05/09 14:34:00 Sarah Felstead
            Re:This is all very sad14/05/09 12:39:00 Sarah Felstead
         Re:Re:Bump Bump Bump13/05/09 20:24:00 Steve Taylor
            Re:Re:Re:Bump Bump Bump13/05/09 22:43:00 Dan Filson
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Bump Bump Bump14/05/09 19:46:00 David Giles
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Bump Bump Bump14/05/09 22:34:00 Dan Filson
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Bump Bump Bump15/05/09 12:48:00 David Giles
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Bump Bump Bump15/05/09 12:59:00 Margaret Elizabeth Shaw
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Bump Bump Bump15/05/09 19:26:00 Dan Filson
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         Re:Re:Re:Brentford has Britain's most costly MP22/05/09 19:49:00 Dan Filson

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