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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Guy Lambert blog fact check
Posted by: David Cook
Date/Time: 01/03/25 17:43:00

We have just had the entrance to Augustus Close from London Road Traffic calmed and you would think Hounslow Highways would have sorted the drains out why they were at it! But no the London road still floods during heavy rainfall.
They could not even get the road markings in the correct position either. Which now leads to disruption because selfish drivers do not see the keep clear signs until on them. What it really needed was a yellow box to stop this behaviour.
Did TFL listen to the residents of Brentford Dock during the cycle way 9 to Hounslow consultation from Brentford? No is the answer. I have already seen several drivers now drive the wrong side of the traffic island to avoid queuing and It wont be long before there is a serious accident here.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Guy Lambert blog fact check28/02/25 15:00:00 Simon Hayes
   Re:Guy Lambert blog fact check01/03/25 00:16:00 Guy Lambert
   Re:Guy Lambert blog fact check01/03/25 09:18:00 Jim Storrar
      Re:Re:Guy Lambert blog fact check01/03/25 11:32:00 Simon Hayes
         Re:Re:Re:Guy Lambert blog fact check01/03/25 17:43:00 David Cook

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