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Topic: Re:Guy Lambert blog fact check
Posted by: Guy Lambert
Date/Time: 01/03/25 00:16:00

I know quite a lot about flooding because I have had to deal with it over the years.
I also recently attended a seminar about SuDS, who absolutely know about it.
I'm not sure about the drainage at Reynard, which was all approved before I was even elected, but it should have had a proper modern drainage plan including soakaways and provision for permeable areas.
WHilst I am first to point at Thames Water as a player in this problem, the fundamental issue in Brentford is that it is at the bottom of the hill that runs through NW London towards the Thames. Partly via the Brent which has its own problems and partly via the network of underground rivers like the brook under Brook Road South.
Those of us who like to get to understand the facts learnt a lot by attending a lecture a year or so ago by MIke Jordan on the Boston Manor Resident Association about these rivers.
I will be going to th Heston Action Group soon to update their progress on using water butts to preserve rain water. We also recently had a crack to do that around the A4/M4 but I dodn't think we got a positive conclusion.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Guy Lambert blog fact check28/02/25 15:00:00 Simon Hayes
   Re:Guy Lambert blog fact check01/03/25 00:16:00 Guy Lambert
   Re:Guy Lambert blog fact check01/03/25 09:18:00 Jim Storrar
      Re:Re:Guy Lambert blog fact check01/03/25 11:32:00 Simon Hayes
         Re:Re:Re:Guy Lambert blog fact check01/03/25 17:43:00 David Cook

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