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Topic: Guy Lambert blog fact check
Posted by: Simon Hayes
Date/Time: 28/02/25 15:00:00

Some lazy assumptions this week, councillor.

The Windmill Road junction does indeed see large puddles in heavy rain, although the genuine flood issues that plagued that part of the road some years back are long gone. However, to blame this on people’concreting over their gardens’ is a bit of a stretch.

Perhaps you should ask the ever-reliable Thames Water to investigate the drains there. Given the appallingly shoddy construction of Performance Point on that corner the chances are that there’s a substantial amount of concrete and other debris blocking up the sewers. It’s happened before.

You might also want to point the finger at your council’s own planning department. Just up the road is Reynard Mills, which has a vast expanse of tarmac and concrete approved by your planning committee. Contributing to those overworked drains, no?

I look forward to the increased flow out of the Churchill House development when its concrete and tarmac are added into the mix.

As for rowing in Brentford, well a lot more could be done to support Team Keane. One suggestion made to the brains behind the GSK redevelopment is to give the club space adjoining the canal so that more schoolchildren can enjoy the benefits of rowing and canoeing with them. While I don’t enjoy your continuation of the class war, I agree that as a form of exercise it should be more accessible for all. After all, Britain’s greatest tower didn’t have a private education. Perhaps you could pursue this.

Other than that, it was a reasonable read this week.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Guy Lambert blog fact check28/02/25 15:00:00 Simon Hayes
   Re:Guy Lambert blog fact check01/03/25 00:16:00 Guy Lambert
   Re:Guy Lambert blog fact check01/03/25 09:18:00 Jim Storrar
      Re:Re:Guy Lambert blog fact check01/03/25 11:32:00 Simon Hayes
         Re:Re:Re:Guy Lambert blog fact check01/03/25 17:43:00 David Cook

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