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Topic: Re:Re:Guy Lambert blog fact check
Posted by: Simon Hayes
Date/Time: 01/03/25 11:32:00

Thank you for thet information Jim.

It is perhaps worth pointing out that a large puddle around a (likely) blocked drain is not a flood, by any yardstick. The surface water there is gone within hours, unlike genuine floods where the water is not only foul but persists for a length of time. Perhaps less scaremongering on this and more investigation of the sewers by the relevant authorities.

There isn’t a flood problem on Windmill Road. Until about a decade ago there was and it was due to blocked sewers, subsequently sorted.

Thames Water will tell you that concrete poured into the drain network is a genuine issue in London, either done deliberately (probably the case with the cowboys who built performance point) or inadvertently when piledriving and piercing sewage pipes. There was a large one in Hammersmith that had to be dealt with last year.

Then there are still people pouring fats down the drain and flushing wipes down the toilet. I’d suggest these factors are more relevant than residents concreting over their front gardens. There hasn’t been much of thet on Windmill Riad for years.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Guy Lambert blog fact check28/02/25 15:00:00 Simon Hayes
   Re:Guy Lambert blog fact check01/03/25 00:16:00 Guy Lambert
   Re:Guy Lambert blog fact check01/03/25 09:18:00 Jim Storrar
      Re:Re:Guy Lambert blog fact check01/03/25 11:32:00 Simon Hayes
         Re:Re:Re:Guy Lambert blog fact check01/03/25 17:43:00 David Cook

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