Forum Message

Topic: Re:Proposed CPZ charges
Posted by: Bryan Betts
Date/Time: 06/11/14 10:12:00

As Raymond says, the proposal is divisive and inept, and the permit charges can only go up.

The meeting to discuss it is tonight. I've objected already in writing and would like to go along and speak, but /of course/ it's a night when I already have something on that I can't get out of. )-:

Here's the message I got back from Andrew Nye at the council:

Thank you for your email below objecting to the proposed CPZ in the ‘Brook Road South area’, Brentford.

I can confirm that your objection will be reported to the Isleworth and Brentford Area Forum on 6th November 2014 where Members will consider the reasoning for the objection and decide how to resolve the matter.  You, and all members of the public, are entitled to attend this meeting and you can also choose to speak at the meeting if you so wish.  You will need to make arrangements with the Forum clerk nearer the time should you wish to speak on the subject.  The Forum clerk can be contacted on 020 8583 2067 (I recommend waiting until approximately 2 weeks before the Forum date before contacting the clerk).

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Any news on cpz around ealing road and new rd etc....25/09/14 21:52:00 Rakesh Patel
   Re:Any news on cpz around ealing road and new rd etc....26/09/14 09:21:00 Reg Ghosh
   Re:Any news on cpz around ealing road and new rd etc....26/09/14 10:30:00 Catherine Jones
      Re:Re:Any news on cpz around ealing road and new rd etc....26/09/14 18:49:00 Raymond Havelock
         Re:Re:Re:Any news on cpz around ealing road and new rd etc....26/09/14 22:26:00 Bryan Betts
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Any news on cpz around ealing road and new rd etc....29/09/14 00:56:00 Raymond Havelock
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Any news on cpz around ealing road and new rd etc....29/09/14 08:23:00 Reg Ghosh
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Any news on cpz around ealing road and new rd etc....29/09/14 09:11:00 Anne England
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Any news on cpz around ealing road and new rd etc....29/09/14 12:00:00 Reg Ghosh
                     Proposed CPZ charges29/09/14 13:08:00 Reg Ghosh
                        Re:Proposed CPZ charges29/09/14 13:39:00 Rakesh Patel
                           Re:Re:Proposed CPZ charges29/09/14 18:41:00 Sharon Trevor
   Re:Any news on cpz around ealing road and new rd etc....29/09/14 20:59:00 Rakesh Patel
      Re:Re:Any news on cpz around ealing road and new rd etc....29/09/14 22:26:00 Sharon Trevor
         Proposed CPZ charges30/09/14 21:19:00 Reg Ghosh
            Re:Proposed CPZ charges30/09/14 21:57:00 Rakesh Patel
            Re:Proposed CPZ charges10/10/14 11:22:00 Bryan Betts
               Re:Re:Proposed CPZ charges10/10/14 12:26:00 Anne England
                  Re:Re:Re:Proposed CPZ charges10/10/14 12:47:00 Reg Ghosh
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Proposed CPZ charges10/10/14 16:03:00 Mark Gormley
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Proposed CPZ charges10/10/14 19:04:00 Sharon Trevor
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Proposed CPZ charges11/10/14 11:47:00 Raymond Havelock
                              Proposed CPZ charges27/10/14 07:31:00 Reg Ghosh
                                 Re:Proposed CPZ charges27/10/14 10:55:00 Raymond Havelock
                                    Re:Re:Proposed CPZ charges31/10/14 22:38:00 Mark Gormley
                                 Re:Proposed CPZ charges06/11/14 10:12:00 Bryan Betts
                                    Re:Re:Proposed CPZ charges07/11/14 09:16:00 Reg Ghosh
                                       Re:Re:Re:Proposed CPZ charges07/11/14 13:52:00 Raymond Havelock
                                          Re:Re:Re:Re:Proposed CPZ charges07/11/14 15:02:00 Bryan Betts
                                             The decision13/11/14 21:31:00 Reg Ghosh
                                                Re:The decision14/11/14 10:43:00 Mark Gormley
                                                   Re:Re:The decision14/11/14 14:32:00 Raymond Havelock
                                                      CPZ to come in in March 201519/11/14 20:13:00 Anne England

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