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Topic: God bless the 65 bus and it's route.
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Posted by: Jim Lawes
Date/Time: 24/06/22 20:36:00

This dear bus service has been serving the Community for some 90-100 years...and it appears with regularity come rain or shine.

I recall in the early 1950's jumping on the 65 at Kew Bridge and then winding down pleasant main roads to Kingston and beyond.

We changed buses in Kingston so we could catch the 406 to Epsom Downs to join the model aircraft enthusiasts.

I recall during the World War (WW2) in Chiswick we had to line our windows with black out curtains to hide our homes from enemy aircraft. My Dad couldn't afford such curtains but as he worked at Chiswick Works,repairing and maintaining London's buses..he had access to old and cast off bus destination blinds.
They were fitted in my bedroom. When I woke up in the mornings and switched the light on... I recall that I saw "65 Chessington Zoo" in my sight!! Unforgettable!

Funny now that 80 years later..I wander down to the Waterman's Park (I like the old Piano Museum bus stop) and along she comes... what a service!

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
God bless the 65 bus and it's route.24/06/22 20:36:00 Jim Lawes
   Re:God bless the 65 bus and it's route.24/06/22 21:05:00 N V Brooks
      Re:Re:God bless the 65 bus and it's route.25/06/22 01:10:00 Jim Lawes
         Re:Re:Re:God bless the 65 bus and it's route.25/06/22 11:21:00 Paul Franklin
            Re:Re:Re:Re:God bless the 65 bus and it's route.25/06/22 11:34:00 Pat Kingham
            Re:Re:Re:Re:God bless the 65 bus and it's route.25/06/22 11:37:00 Raymond Havelock
            Re:Re:Re:Re:God bless the 65 bus and it's route.25/06/22 11:42:00 N V Brooks
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:God bless the 65 bus and it's route.26/06/22 16:08:00 Philippa Bond
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:God bless the 65 bus and it's route.15/07/22 21:40:00 Jim Lawes
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:God bless the 65 bus and it's route.17/07/22 12:06:00 Raymond Havelock
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:God bless the 65 bus and it's route.30/07/22 08:49:00 Nicholas Beard
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:God bless the 65 bus and it's route.30/07/22 10:26:00 Raymond Havelock
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:God bless the 65 bus and it's route.30/07/22 13:16:00 Jim Lawes

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