I don't want to stop anyone using these self-service tills, but neither do I want to be forced to use them, they are a massive pain in the backside as far as we are concerned. They put people out of work, and there always seems to be a problem with someone using them. But when you have a week's shop for four adults they simply do not work, we have walked out of a supermarket and left a trolley full of shopping when they have refused to open a till with a real life human to operate it, and will do so again. The other week, one poor assistant was waving frantically to get us to use the self service and we steadfastly refused, in the end she opened the till - to find several others behind us! Her manager gave her a rollocking via her earpiece - so we told her to ask him to come and speak to us - needless to say he didn't - whatever happened to the customer is always right? I do not recall any shop ever asking my opinion on whether or not I wanted to use these bloody things, they have just been inflicted on us, well, what they're seeing now is the rise of the stroppy shopper, if they want our money then they can bloody well provide someone to assist us. These machines may be O.K. for a few odds and sods but I'm damned if I'm going to be forced into using them to save some multi-national company from treating and paying an adequate number of staff properly. |