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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Lucozade sign under threat - again - from Chiswick W4 Forum
Posted by: Guy Lambert
Date/Time: 30/01/14 13:07:00

I look with a bit of a jaded eye on this advertising stuff next to the M4.
20 odd years ago I was responsible for the addition of a 'Bull' sign to the side of what was the Honeywell House and is now Great West House. At the time this sign, which didn't move or have any pictures, just the logo writ large, caused a load of controversy with Hounslow ('too big') and the DfT (or whatever it was called then!) - will distract drivers and cause accidents.
Whilst the Hounslow objection was arguable, the DfT one seemed to me to be ludicrous: eventually both were won over and I was rather proud of the sign, which at the time was the largest single panel illuminated sign in Europe  and which I thought was rather handsome - at least until the nightmare of bulbs beginning to blow.
A few years ago coming along the M4 I was confronted by a 50 foot high picture of a beautiful young woman dressed in scanty bra and knickers and I can tell you, this was distracting to me! Now there are many signs, many with moving or changing pictures, many right in your face, many much bigger than my li'l ole Bull sign and MUCH nearer to the carriageway.
What a difference a few years makes.
PS The Lucozade sign is pretty wonderful and should be kept

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Lucozade sign under threat - again - from Chiswick W4 Forum29/01/14 10:48:00 Vanessa Smith
   Re:Lucozade sign under threat - again - from Chiswick W4 Forum29/01/14 10:50:00 Vanessa Smith
      Re:Re:Lucozade sign under threat - again - from Chiswick W4 Forum29/01/14 11:14:00 Adam Beamish
         Re:Re:Re:Lucozade sign under threat - again - from Chiswick W4 Forum29/01/14 11:19:00 Vanessa Smith
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Lucozade sign under threat - again - from Chiswick W4 Forum29/01/14 23:45:00 David Giles
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Lucozade sign under threat - again - from Chiswick W4 Forum30/01/14 00:03:00 Jim Lawes
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Lucozade sign under threat - again - from Chiswick W4 Forum30/01/14 10:00:00 Vanessa Smith
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Lucozade sign under threat - again - from Chiswick W4 Forum30/01/14 13:07:00 Guy Lambert
   Re:Lucozade sign under threat - again - from Chiswick W4 Forum31/01/14 14:27:00 Bryan Betts
      Re:Re:Lucozade sign under threat - again - from Chiswick W4 Forum31/01/14 18:02:00 Vanessa Smith
         Re:Re:Re:Lucozade sign under threat - again - from Chiswick W4 Forum31/01/14 18:18:00 David Giles
   Re:Lucozade sign under threat - again - from Chiswick W4 Forum02/02/14 12:28:00 Ian Speed
      Re:Re:Lucozade sign under threat - again - from Chiswick W4 Forum07/02/14 19:07:00 Raymond Havelock
         Re:Re:Re:Lucozade sign under threat - again - from Chiswick W4 Forum08/02/14 17:54:00 Anthony Waller
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Lucozade sign under threat - again - from Chiswick W4 Forum10/02/14 01:56:00 Jim Lawes
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Lucozade sign under threat - again - from Chiswick W4 Forum10/02/14 01:59:00 Jim Lawes
                  Iconic design? 10/02/14 07:09:00 John Todd
                     Re:Iconic design? 10/02/14 10:07:00 Vanessa Smith
                        Re:Re:Iconic design? 10/02/14 12:42:00 Jim Lawes
                           Re:Re:Re:Iconic design? 22/03/14 14:12:00 Guy Lambert
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Iconic design? 22/03/14 14:27:00 Vanessa Smith
                                 Brentford's Lucozade signage on YouTube.23/03/14 01:29:00 Jim Lawes
                                    It's a busy area sometimes.. near that Lucozade sign.24/03/14 01:17:00 Jim Lawes

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