Posted by: | Dawn Hardy | |
Date/Time: | 12/07/10 18:45:00 |
Yet again you are attempting to put word's into my mouth, I did not and would not put Proffessional's into the same category as Drug Pusher's that is indeed an insult and that was not intended,as for outsider's making our drug problem worse go down to the Green Dragon Estate preferably in a car it will be safer for you, Somalians have taken over the drug scene there and they are not to be played around with so beware or perhaps you want to catch an overland train, do not go to Brentford Railway Station at night on your own that is again a drug pusher's spot only punter's come by car to score I believe that is the idiom used. User's phone in there order's now and the pusher's deliver to each and every pub in Brentford. I am angry because this filth destroy's so many peoples lives not only the user's but also there loved ones. Oh! I am quite sure that it is the thing to do (what did one post call it snort) at a cheap give away price however this filth breaks up homes families and should be neither tolerated or allowed, nothing for nothing in this life a freeby score today means your hooked tomorrow. As for new developments, having paid 400k for a lovely place would you like to have a council tenant as your next door neighbour(if you say yes! I will not believe you)count on it your council tenant will not be indigenous to Brentford.To be fair probably one tenth are bad blood but that is enough to cause despair. You perceive what you want too not what was intended. You appear to be extremely knowlegeable about many things it makes one wonder why?? you feel that you cannot comment on our council would it be perhaps that you are either a councillor or actually work for the council after all you certainly have no compunction about taking myself to task. My dear man whatever colour or creed all newcomers are welcome into our town providing that they are hard working honest and contribute to our community. |