Forum Message

Topic: 235 Bus
Posted by: David Squire
Date/Time: 15/01/25 10:56:00

I am really surprised seeing the history of this bus that no one recently has commented on the appalling service at each end of the route. At the Sunbury end most stop at Sunbury Cross or Lower Feltham which for most of use has no effect but with time distances of up to 35 minutes to Great West Quarter and at times 4 buses at at Busch corner. Surely the operator is in breach of their contract. I've heard of  the road works at Green Lane now  finished and batteries needing charging. As an excuse. Used to be the bollards at GWQ but these have been down for ages.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
235 Bus15/01/25 10:56:00 David Squire
   Re:235 Bus17/01/25 17:44:00 Martin Webb
      Re:Re:235 Bus17/01/25 22:06:00 Guy Lambert
         Re:Re:Re:235 Bus22/01/25 11:38:00 Guy Lambert
            Re:Re:Re:Re:235 Bus23/01/25 13:51:00 David Squire
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:235 Bus24/01/25 16:06:00 Anne England

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