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Topic: Re:Regarding Dial a Ride if you’re interested
Posted by: Bill
Date/Time: 03/09/24 22:43:00

I must agree with you.

the taxicard scheme has been poor for years no matter what they may say.

Leaving a 90 year old waiting for hours on the street.
Not picking up from a care home. Care home staff wanting to go home and having to call taxi card over and over.

It needs to be looked at properly.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Regarding Dial a Ride if you’re interested13/07/24 14:01:00 Patricia Feeney
   Re:Regarding Dial a Ride if you’re interested13/07/24 18:19:00 Jim Lawes
      Re:Re:Regarding Dial a Ride if you’re interested13/07/24 20:54:00 Patricia Feeney
   Re:Regarding Dial a Ride if you’re interested03/09/24 22:43:00 Bill

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