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Topic: Re:Re:Cllr. Curran must need therapy
Posted by: Raymond Havelock
Date/Time: 26/07/13 23:11:00

He's either a completely naive Mug or there's something very fishy going on.

Did something like this not happen before in the last decade and it turned out that the recipients of such grants were multiple landlords who were all related to party members?

Surely this is not all going on again?

Either way it's an utterly stupid way to help a housing problem.

As has been mentioned. Is a landlord who lets a place go empty or keeps properties in unhabitable conditions a fit and proper person to be a landlord for any market private or social?

They are almost certainly using the property as a tax loss. If they are decalaring tax on multiple properties in the first instance.

Will Cllr. Curran & Co. be ensuring all tax liabilities are declared and payments are vetted?

Will the recipient landlords be made public to those funding them?

Should they be rewarded and with taxpayers money?

What signal does that send out?

Stupid and if it's not, it must be some scam.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Cutbacks? What cutbacks?16/07/13 18:35:00 John Kerr
   Re:Cutbacks? What cutbacks?16/07/13 18:42:00 Michael Brandt
      Re:Re:Cutbacks? What cutbacks?16/07/13 19:00:00 Paul Fisher
         Re:Re:Re:Cutbacks? What cutbacks?16/07/13 19:21:00 John Kerr
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Cutbacks? What cutbacks?16/07/13 19:39:00 Phil Andrews
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Cutbacks? What cutbacks?16/07/13 19:49:00 John Kerr
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Cutbacks? What cutbacks?16/07/13 19:56:00 Ian Silver
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                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Cutbacks? What cutbacks?17/07/13 11:37:00 Anthony Waller
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Cutbacks? What cutbacks?17/07/13 13:13:00 John Kerr
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Cutbacks? What cutbacks?17/07/13 14:00:00 Anthony Waller
                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Cutbacks? What cutbacks?17/07/13 14:17:00 John Kerr
                                          Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Cutbacks? What cutbacks?17/07/13 16:06:00 Phil Andrews
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Cutbacks? What cutbacks?17/07/13 18:00:00 Anthony Waller
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Cutbacks? What cutbacks?17/07/13 17:43:00 Paul Fisher
   Re:Cutbacks? What cutbacks?17/07/13 20:29:00 Alison Draper
      Re:Re:Cutbacks? What cutbacks?17/07/13 20:50:00 John Kerr
         Re:Re:Re:Cutbacks? What cutbacks?17/07/13 22:24:00 Adam Beamish
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Cutbacks? What cutbacks?18/07/13 09:34:00 Robert A Field
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Cutbacks? What cutbacks?18/07/13 12:19:00 Vanessa Smith
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Cutbacks? What cutbacks?18/07/13 22:35:00 John Kerr
               Cllr. Curran must need therapy26/07/13 18:46:00 Anthony Waller
                  Re:Cllr. Curran must need therapy26/07/13 19:08:00 Ian Silver
                  Re:Cllr. Curran must need therapy26/07/13 21:50:00 John Kerr
                     Re:Re:Cllr. Curran must need therapy26/07/13 23:11:00 Raymond Havelock
                        Re:Re:Re:Cllr. Curran must need therapy27/07/13 00:03:00 David Giles
               Questions that need to be answered27/07/13 06:25:00 David Giles
                  Re:Questions that need to be answered27/07/13 08:36:00 Raymond Havelock
                     Re:Re:Questions that need to be answered28/07/13 18:48:00 David Giles

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