I saw a BBC programme about a borough, I think it was Brent, that was absolutely covered in this disgusting mess and they were having a massive education programme to try and stop the habit, pretty much a complete waste of money I thought. They were sending clean up crews out at great expense to try and clear it, although the staining was very nigh impossible to get rid of. It is important to differentiate between parking attendants and proper enforcement officers who have the necessary powers and are warranted. You also have to consider that those enforcement officers were pretty much wiped out in the cuts of a few years ago, there are just not enough bodies on the ground now, have you seen the overgrowth from gardens blocking pavements etc.? Sadly we all have to realise that we either pay more to fund these services or we keep the council tax down and go without - something has to go, and sooner or later we were bound to feel the cuts hit home hard. |