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Topic: If Slough can do this WHY?? are LBH closing our Libraries!!
Posted by: Dawn Hardy
Date/Time: 28/02/11 20:10:00

I had a smashing free newspaper through our letterbox called MAYA, it is brilliant it took me around the world also covered many many borough's and gave this insight into Slough Council's attitude toward Govt Cuts they put the people first..
Quote from Councillor Rob Anderson:-
Wexham,Chalvey & Colnbrook New Libraries.
"While other boroughs are looking at closing libraries we are planning to open more, bringing the world of books right into the local community. The cuts we have received are savage but we believe library facilities are fundamental to improving local residents' lives and opportunities and we aim to increase access to libraries with these three new facilities. We have already increased library opening hours by 22% and soon more residents than ever will be able to access the library right around the corner from where they live.And when all three of the satellite libraries are open the library hours will have increased by more than 61% on 2009." Sites have already been chosen for the Colnbrook and Chalvey library services.
Obviously if Slough can build new libraries then the question that must be answered by Hounslow Council as to why they have allowed Laing to refurbish our libraries only to close them, all council's are having to cut cloth, just some of them are more community minded!!!
They are to be much admired!!

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
If Slough can do this WHY?? are LBH closing our Libraries!!28/02/11 20:10:00 Dawn Hardy
   Re:If Slough can do this WHY?? are LBH closing our Libraries!!01/03/11 11:00:00 Dawn Hardy
      Re:Re:If Slough can do this WHY?? are LBH closing our Libraries!!01/03/11 12:20:00 Adam Beamish
         Re:Re:Re:If Slough can do this WHY?? are LBH closing our Libraries!!01/03/11 13:28:00 Dawn Hardy
         Re:Re:Re:If Slough can do this WHY?? are LBH closing our Libraries!!01/03/11 14:11:00 Dawn Hardy
         Re:Re:Re:If Slough can do this WHY?? are LBH closing our Libraries!!01/03/11 14:34:00 Dawn Hardy
            Re:Re:Re:Re:If Slough can do this WHY?? are LBH closing our Libraries!!01/03/11 15:32:00 Sara Dodd
         Re:Re:Re:If Slough can do this WHY?? are LBH closing our Libraries!!01/03/11 14:58:00 Vanessa Smith
            Re:Re:Re:Re:If Slough can do this WHY?? are LBH closing our Libraries!!01/03/11 15:24:00 Phil Andrews
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:If Slough can do this WHY?? are LBH closing our Libraries!!01/03/11 15:00:00 Dawn Hardy
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:If Slough can do this WHY?? are LBH closing our Libraries!!01/03/11 15:08:00 Phil Andrews

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