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Topic: Re::LBH Budget Consultation 2011
Posted by: G C Brown
Date/Time: 07/01/11 16:14:00

Not having a pop at you here John.  I too assume that that is the only logical explanation for the questionnaire(s)

The fact is that without such vital documents and figures I suspect many will share my views expressed here and bin it?

A good analogy would be to give the councillors all a hammer and some nails and then just give everyone hammers to help .....but neglect to send them any nails? 

The rest of us can bang away to our hearts content but without nails all we'll make is noise!

Still thanks to the current democratic process that seems to be what we are CON-DEMned to do :-(

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
LBH Budget Consultation 201105/01/11 10:56:00 G C Brown
   LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 07:50:00 John Todd
      Re:LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 09:01:00 G C Brown
         Re:Re:LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 10:41:00 Vanessa Smith
            Re:Re:Re:LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 12:10:00 G C Brown
         :LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 12:04:00 John Todd
            Re::LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 16:14:00 G C Brown

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