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Topic: Re:LBH Budget Consultation 2011
Posted by: G C Brown
Date/Time: 07/01/11 09:01:00

Thanks for the Link John.
It seemed obvious to me that there was a whole raft of cuts that would make up the required totals to meet this deficit.

However what on Earth is the point then of the mail out If it doesn't contain such information?

A questionnaire stating "We need to save a total of £Xmillion pounds and to achieve this we need to find £Ymillion from the areas outlined here" would have SOME point?

As it stands with the document we've received its a bit like saying "Here are some answers. Can you guess what the problem is?"

A pointless, expensive and I suspect divisive exercise.

The online version is even more stupid asking you to choose areas, explained differently from the written document, and then at the end you press a button to "reveal" whether your choices reach the target. 

Is this country reduced to "Scratch Card Economics"?  "Oh we loose AGAIN......."

Perhaps this is an admission that educational standards have fallen SO LOW that it's considered that the majority of the populace could no longer do the arithmetic to find a target given the relevant numbers?

Given your response John what I, and I suspect many folk need to know is what amount does the choices given actually NEED to save?  It falls over £5million short of the only figure we have been given, so logically there ARE NO CHOICES.

For anyone not following my argument I'll summarise my understanding.

We NEED to save £18 million

Some savings have already been made BUT we don't know how much and from what.

We are being offered the chance to decide where these savings come from from a "pick list" that totals £13 million

We don't know what the figure we're asked to try and cover from the £13

In my opinion this is a significant factor in making those choices.  The results of these cuts is going to hurt many people and turning it into such a simplistic game is insulting to us all.


Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
LBH Budget Consultation 201105/01/11 10:56:00 G C Brown
   LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 07:50:00 John Todd
      Re:LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 09:01:00 G C Brown
         Re:Re:LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 10:41:00 Vanessa Smith
            Re:Re:Re:LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 12:10:00 G C Brown
         :LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 12:04:00 John Todd
            Re::LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 16:14:00 G C Brown

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