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Topic: Re:Re:Re:LBH Budget Consultation 2011
Posted by: G C Brown
Date/Time: 07/01/11 12:10:00

Vanessa EVERYONE has their own agenda.

My issue is that this is, as presented a time wasting, costly and pointless exercise. 

IF they are serious about seeking public opinion they should at least give us the facts.

Of course the issues are complex but presenting minimalistic information is patronising at best and lazy at worst?

I have to say the defence of senior managment post because of the need for strategic planning in the printed document is rather negated by the ill conceived document that mentions it!!


Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
LBH Budget Consultation 201105/01/11 10:56:00 G C Brown
   LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 07:50:00 John Todd
      Re:LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 09:01:00 G C Brown
         Re:Re:LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 10:41:00 Vanessa Smith
            Re:Re:Re:LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 12:10:00 G C Brown
         :LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 12:04:00 John Todd
            Re::LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 16:14:00 G C Brown

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