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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Lifts at Brentford Station
Posted by: Jennifer Selig
Date/Time: 22/08/19 18:03:00

and whose fault is that - sounds like a case of the blind leading the blind!   Long gone are the days when any workman was proud to do a good job.   That wasn't just the actual workman but also the managers, even the typists and secretaries, we all wanted to do the very best we could even if it involved staying a little longer to finish the job.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Lifts at Brentford Station21/08/19 18:02:00 Jean Harrison
   Re:Lifts at Brentford Station21/08/19 18:06:00 Nichols Beard
      Re:Re:Lifts at Brentford Station22/08/19 08:49:00 Ian Speed
         Re:Re:Re:Lifts at Brentford Station22/08/19 13:42:00 Raymond Havelock
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Lifts at Brentford Station22/08/19 18:03:00 Jennifer Selig
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Lifts at Brentford Station27/08/19 17:16:00 Philippa Bond
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Lifts at Brentford Station28/08/19 06:42:00 Nichols Beard
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Lifts at Brentford Station28/08/19 10:06:00 Bernard Allen
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Lifts at Brentford Station28/08/19 10:46:00 Jennifer Selig

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