Forum Message

Posted by: Debbie Dewar
Date/Time: 24/06/05 15:12:00

hi simon i am one of the organizers of the brentford carnival we are still putting every thing together we will be combining the carnival with boston manor park festival this year on the 4th  september as for donations we havent got that far yet. But what i can recommend to you is that at the boston park festival you can hire a stall with your own stuff to sell ie car boot or what ever you have and then your money can go where ever you would like.we have a meeting coming up at the end of june i will let you know how things are going
All the best

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
BRENTFORD CARNIVAL26/02/05 01:05:00 Debbie Dewar
   Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL26/02/05 02:03:00 Jim Lawes
      Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL26/02/05 04:22:00 Gerry Tan
         Re:Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL26/02/05 10:37:00 Debbie Dewar
            Try Brentford Community Council.......& more26/02/05 12:48:00 Jim Lawes
            Re:Re:Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL26/02/05 13:14:00 Gerry Tan
               BRENTFORD CARNIVAL26/02/05 16:32:00 Paul Allen
      Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL02/03/05 09:52:00 Mrs Sara Ward
         Re:Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL02/03/05 10:03:00 Debbie Dewar
   Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL02/03/05 11:15:00 Liz Cudmore
      Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL02/03/05 11:31:00 Debbie Dewar
      Any other willing helpers for Brentford Carnival.02/03/05 11:36:00 Debbie Dewar
         Debbie..your Brentford Carnival idea is taking off....!!02/06/05 18:55:00 Jim Lawes
             Brentford Carnival idea is taking off....!!02/06/05 20:26:00 Paul Allen
   Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL02/06/05 21:41:00 Linda Massey
      Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL05/06/05 22:17:00 Debbie Dewar
   Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL14/06/05 20:20:00 Simon Anderson
      Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL24/06/05 15:12:00 Debbie Dewar
         Re:Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL24/06/05 15:29:00 Simon Anderson
            Re:Re:Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL25/06/05 11:29:00 Debbie Dewar

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