Forum Message

Posted by: Debbie Dewar
Date/Time: 26/02/05 01:05:00

I have lived in brentford all my life and we used to have a good carnival years ago and i think the last one was 2000. I tried getting on the commitee but they were very unhelpful.
Its a shame we have lost our carnival many other towns like hanworth and hanwell have great carnivals and go to great length with them so why cant we.there are many talented people in and around brentford it could be fantastic esp the parade.
I have been talking to different people around brentford and here is some of there views.

1.The carnival should be before the kids break up for the holidays so that each and every school could take part by teacher nominating 2 pupils from each class to enter for the beautyqueen/princess or stud/king of Brentford which could be judged at the watermans art centre .and for every school to make a float and costumes to be in the parade with the best school winning a prize. and all the brentford residents to be invited to dress up in costume to add to the atmoshire and be in the parade. the parade is the most important part of carnival.

2.All the pubs and clubs to take part with a float from there brewrys and to have teams for  tug of war between the pubs thats what we used to have years ago. and the shops to take part would be great and free advertising for them.

3.Lots of competions with prizes and certificates Animal, Bouncing Baby, Dancing Best D.J best Break dancer five aside football etc some of the competions to be judged at the watermans a month before and the winners to perform on the day. and small prizes to go to all that attend the cometions to say thank you get all the local news papers involved on the day.and a disco with local d.js

4 The parade to be more colourful and flambouent costumes and proper canival calipso music little a mini notting hill and milatry bands and drummers and dancing in the streets whistle blowing and horns beeping like it used to be.

5 A carnival workshop to make costumes through out the year and to meeting at.the Football ground,  watermans art centre,clayponds hall or mission hall would be good for this. Free advertising in all the local paper in the shops and schools not days before but a good month before.
6. Volentry security of brentford people for the day. famous brentford person to open the new carnival.
Stalls to be only £5 so everybody gets a chance to come and sell things and craft and art stall by local brentford people would be great. which could be done at the  carnival workshop. all clubs eg brownies guides scoutes and classes to be involved and all the local shops to donate money or goods for raffles and tombolas.

7. Proceeds from the carnival to go to the special care premature baby unit at west middlesex hospital many of us are greatfull to the special care our babys born early recieve at west mid i have had 2 of my own children in the unit they are fantasic and need funding for more incubators and when you have had a premature baby born early you appricate all they do there without them my babys might not have survived. Also putting some back in to making the carnival suceed for the following year.

8.To hire with the donations a bouncey castle and small fair rides and candy floss and popcorn machine  so we could charge a small amount rather than £1.50 for a candy floss many people said it was always to expensive at the carnival. when you have more than 1 kid its very expensive. pony rides 50p

9. a news letter just about the carnival for school and groups and local places 2 months before and for stall holders. volunteers for all aspects of the carinival. The route and the time is very important people always want to give small change as the parade goes past so buckets would be helpfull or collection pots.

10.To end the evening at the watermans art centre with a carnival themed costume ball  with balloons and decor done by myself  as im a qualified balloon artist and florist and costume maker, for cinderellas and princes allowed out past midnight and prizes for the best costumes and proper carnival soca , reggea salsa music for all who want to party through the night. After the carnival photos and costumes to be displayed at the watermans art centre for all to see what fun us BRENTFORD people can really have
A big good Luck to Brentford Football club in ther games to come.
If anyone has any views on the carnival or would like to do anything with me on it please do hesitate to get in touch i would be interesed to see if any one could get this off the ground.
all the best and thanks for reading
Debbie Dewar

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
BRENTFORD CARNIVAL26/02/05 01:05:00 Debbie Dewar
   Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL26/02/05 02:03:00 Jim Lawes
      Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL26/02/05 04:22:00 Gerry Tan
         Re:Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL26/02/05 10:37:00 Debbie Dewar
            Try Brentford Community Council.......& more26/02/05 12:48:00 Jim Lawes
            Re:Re:Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL26/02/05 13:14:00 Gerry Tan
               BRENTFORD CARNIVAL26/02/05 16:32:00 Paul Allen
      Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL02/03/05 09:52:00 Mrs Sara Ward
         Re:Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL02/03/05 10:03:00 Debbie Dewar
   Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL02/03/05 11:15:00 Liz Cudmore
      Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL02/03/05 11:31:00 Debbie Dewar
      Any other willing helpers for Brentford Carnival.02/03/05 11:36:00 Debbie Dewar
         Debbie..your Brentford Carnival idea is taking off....!!02/06/05 18:55:00 Jim Lawes
             Brentford Carnival idea is taking off....!!02/06/05 20:26:00 Paul Allen
   Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL02/06/05 21:41:00 Linda Massey
      Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL05/06/05 22:17:00 Debbie Dewar
   Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL14/06/05 20:20:00 Simon Anderson
      Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL24/06/05 15:12:00 Debbie Dewar
         Re:Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL24/06/05 15:29:00 Simon Anderson
            Re:Re:Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL25/06/05 11:29:00 Debbie Dewar

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