Forum Message

Posted by: Mrs Sara Ward
Date/Time: 02/03/05 09:52:00

Hi to all chatting about the Carnival.....
I used to be on the committee for a couple of years and then went on to co-ordinate Soul in the City. I love all the community projects as they bring together both old and new friends and show all how great Brentford is! I'd love to see the carnival return...why not try and draw a team together from all those who've given suggestions?

P.S. I think the Farmers Market is another great community opportunity.....thanks to the organisers!

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
BRENTFORD CARNIVAL26/02/05 01:05:00 Debbie Dewar
   Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL26/02/05 02:03:00 Jim Lawes
      Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL26/02/05 04:22:00 Gerry Tan
         Re:Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL26/02/05 10:37:00 Debbie Dewar
            Try Brentford Community Council.......& more26/02/05 12:48:00 Jim Lawes
            Re:Re:Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL26/02/05 13:14:00 Gerry Tan
               BRENTFORD CARNIVAL26/02/05 16:32:00 Paul Allen
      Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL02/03/05 09:52:00 Mrs Sara Ward
         Re:Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL02/03/05 10:03:00 Debbie Dewar
   Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL02/03/05 11:15:00 Liz Cudmore
      Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL02/03/05 11:31:00 Debbie Dewar
      Any other willing helpers for Brentford Carnival.02/03/05 11:36:00 Debbie Dewar
         Debbie..your Brentford Carnival idea is taking off....!!02/06/05 18:55:00 Jim Lawes
             Brentford Carnival idea is taking off....!!02/06/05 20:26:00 Paul Allen
   Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL02/06/05 21:41:00 Linda Massey
      Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL05/06/05 22:17:00 Debbie Dewar
   Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL14/06/05 20:20:00 Simon Anderson
      Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL24/06/05 15:12:00 Debbie Dewar
         Re:Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL24/06/05 15:29:00 Simon Anderson
            Re:Re:Re:Re:BRENTFORD CARNIVAL25/06/05 11:29:00 Debbie Dewar

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