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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Tower blocks in Brentford - 'Davids' posting
Posted by: Steve Taylor
Date/Time: 16/06/17 13:18:00

Here is the letter.

"London Borough / of Hounslow

Councillor Katherine Dunne

Lead Member for Housing

London Borough of Hounslow

The Civic Centre

Lampton Road



Cllr Katherine Dunne

Date: 15th June 2017

Dear Tenant,

Re: Brentford Towers - cladding works

Following the tragic events of the fire at Grenfell Tower earlier today, Ithought that Ishould write to you to let you know about our plans for Brentford Towers and reassure you that our priority is to not only improve but also maintain your safety within the tower blocks.

As you know, we are at an advanced stage with our plans to re-clad the Brentford Towers. However, in the light of reports that the London Fire Brigade and other regulatory bodies, we will be reviewing the whatever recommendations the London Fire Brigade make in relation to the Grenfell fire, including those relating to insulated cladding systems.

In light of this, the Council has decided to consult with the London Fire Brigade Service and other statutory services on the design and specification of our proposals for

Brentford Towers, before we agree to proceed. We will of course, continue to engage and consult with you on this process.

I also take the opportunity to assure you that all of our High Rise blocks have current up-to-date Fire Risk Assessments and all resulting immediate actions which were identified in these independent assessments were undertaken within the required time frames.

The advice from London Fire Brigade for people who live in high rise properties or purpose built flats and maisonettes, aside from having a working smoke alarm and taking fire safety precautions, is to make sure you know your escape plan and what to do ifthere is a fire inside your home or somewhere else in the building.

If you wish to discuss this or require additional information please contact us on the telephone numbers

below: -

West Area

Tracey Barclay 0208 583 3928 - Vicky Button 0208 583 3989

East Area

Misha Patel 0208 583 4015 - Preeti Sidhu 0208 583 6110

Yours sincerely,

Cllr Katherine Dunne

Lead Member for Housing"

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Tower blocks in Brentford - 'Davids' posting15/06/17 15:13:00 Sarah Felstead
   Re:Tower blocks in Brentford - 'Davids' posting15/06/17 15:36:00 Phil Andrews
      Re:Re:Tower blocks in Brentford - 'Davids' posting15/06/17 20:31:00 Jacob James
         Re:Re:Re:Tower blocks in Brentford - 'Davids' posting16/06/17 13:18:00 Steve Taylor
   Re:Tower blocks in Brentford - 'Davids' posting16/06/17 14:19:00 KJT
      Re:Re:Tower blocks in Brentford - 'Davids' posting16/06/17 15:41:00 Sarah Felstead
         Re:Re:Re:Tower blocks in Brentford - 'Davids' posting17/06/17 10:11:00 Vanessa Smith
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Tower blocks in Brentford - 'Davids' posting17/06/17 11:21:00 Sarah Felstead
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Tower blocks in Brentford - 'Davids' posting17/06/17 19:10:00 Martin Webb
                  Nothing has changed.23/06/17 11:55:00 David Kirche
                     Re:Nothing has changed.23/06/17 15:08:00 Martin Webb
                        Re:Re:Nothing has changed.23/06/17 15:12:00 Vanessa Smith
                           Re:Re:Re:Nothing has changed.23/06/17 18:52:00 Paul Fisher
                        Re:Re:Nothing has changed.23/06/17 15:14:00 Martin Webb
   Re:Tower blocks in Brentford - 'Davids' posting29/06/17 20:22:00 Patricia Feeney
      Re:Re:Tower blocks in Brentford - 'Davids' posting29/06/17 21:13:00 Sarah Felstead
         Re:Re:Re:Tower blocks in Brentford - 'Davids' posting29/06/17 21:22:00 Patricia Feeney
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Tower blocks in Brentford - 'Davids' posting29/06/17 22:44:00 Sarah Felstead
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Tower blocks in Brentford - 'Davids' posting30/06/17 00:31:00 Guy Lambert
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Tower blocks in Brentford - 'Davids' posting30/06/17 05:11:00 Sarah Felstead
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Tower blocks in Brentford - 'Davids' posting30/06/17 17:53:00 Guy Lambert
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Tower blocks in Brentford - 'Davids' posting30/06/17 17:58:00 Guy Lambert
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Tower blocks in Brentford - 'Davids' posting30/06/17 15:36:00 Patricia Feeney
                     :Tower blocks in Brentford - 'Davids' posting03/07/17 08:25:00 Bernard Allen

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