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Topic: Re:LBH - I am now definitely not paying my council tax!
Posted by: Bradley Fisher
Date/Time: 04/10/16 23:13:00

Why Wales ? We have relations down here, Pembrokeshire is beautiful county,we live 5 minute walk from the sea, property on average is approx 50% cheaper,we now live in a 4 bedroom detached property standing in an acre of land,NO aircraft noise and we just happen to love it

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
LBH - I am now definitely not paying my council tax!03/10/16 11:06:00 Julie Evans
   Re:LBH - I am now definitely not paying my council tax!03/10/16 11:35:00 Susan Kelly
      Re:Re:LBH - I am now definitely not paying my council tax!03/10/16 12:13:00 Vanessa Smith
         Re:Re:Re:LBH - I am now definitely not paying my council tax!03/10/16 13:32:00 Pat Kingham
            Re:Re:Re:Re:LBH - I am now definitely not paying my council tax!03/10/16 13:56:00 Guy Lambert
   Re:LBH - I am now definitely not paying my council tax!04/10/16 17:22:00 Bradley Fisher
      Re:Re:LBH - I am now definitely not paying my council tax!04/10/16 19:42:00 Sarah Felstead
   Re:LBH - I am now definitely not paying my council tax!04/10/16 23:13:00 Bradley Fisher
      Re:Re:LBH - I am now definitely not paying my council tax!11/10/16 20:03:00 Ian Wingfield

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