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Topic: LBH - I am now definitely not paying my council tax!
Posted by: Julie Evans
Date/Time: 03/10/16 11:06:00

Here we go again. Having sorted out the issue of my garden waste recycling - but ONLY after I posted on this forum - I have now spoken to three different council employees, got three different responses, and my green waste has still not been collected for the last month. Have filled in online form for late collection which was ignored, been promised a collection when I did manage to get through on the phone to the environment department - it didn't happen - tried again, was fobbed off, etc etc etc.

I am not paying these incompetent people any longer for services that do not happen. I am cancelling my direct debit until I get some common sense and service.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
LBH - I am now definitely not paying my council tax!03/10/16 11:06:00 Julie Evans
   Re:LBH - I am now definitely not paying my council tax!03/10/16 11:35:00 Susan Kelly
      Re:Re:LBH - I am now definitely not paying my council tax!03/10/16 12:13:00 Vanessa Smith
         Re:Re:Re:LBH - I am now definitely not paying my council tax!03/10/16 13:32:00 Pat Kingham
            Re:Re:Re:Re:LBH - I am now definitely not paying my council tax!03/10/16 13:56:00 Guy Lambert
   Re:LBH - I am now definitely not paying my council tax!04/10/16 17:22:00 Bradley Fisher
      Re:Re:LBH - I am now definitely not paying my council tax!04/10/16 19:42:00 Sarah Felstead
   Re:LBH - I am now definitely not paying my council tax!04/10/16 23:13:00 Bradley Fisher
      Re:Re:LBH - I am now definitely not paying my council tax!11/10/16 20:03:00 Ian Wingfield

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