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Topic: Re:St Paul's Rec Outdoor Gym
Posted by: Martin Case
Date/Time: 23/04/16 12:44:00

The outdoor gym project was originated by Hounslow and Carillion, as such they publicised their intentions last year on the TW8 site. They then approached the Friends group to see if we thought it would be welcome in St Paul's, we agreed in principle with the proviso they publicised their intentions with a poster campaign within the park for all users to see. This they duly did widely in the late autumn last year, in fact some of the posters are still up with an email address for further information on the project. The Friends decision to accept the offer of equipment fitted with the aims and objectives of the Groups constitution which are to 'benefit the residents and local community as a whole' and the decision as to where to site the gym equipment was reached with those tenets firmly in our minds. However, following a second consultation on the chosen site with Carillion, the contractors, some representatives from the Friends Group and local resident’s objections were raised. An alternative site was proposed close to the children’s play area, near the water fountain, this was circulated by Carillion to all Friends members and those who objected to the first site. Unfortunately a short period was allowed for responses to Hounslow Communities owing to the contractors requiring a decision on the location. There were objections to the second location with a lot of differing opinions relating to the placement of the outdoor gym and its suitability for either of the suggested sites. After the final round of feedback it was decided jointly by all members of the project team (Hounslow/Carillion) that the oppositions for the placement of the outdoor gym were substantial enough to warrant the project looking to place it in another park in the Brentford area.
I must emphasize to all that this is was not an initiative set up by or asked for by the Friends Group we merely supported and worked with Carillion and Hounslow in trying to make this happen which we have to do as set out in our constitution. On behalf of the Friends Group I apologise if the consultation wasn’t made wider, but we can only communicate with those who have joined the group. However, if anyone wishes to join the Friends Group we’d welcome your support in trying to make members of our community more immediately aware of key issues concerning St Paul’s, and to make it easier for members of our community to voice their opinion on issues such as the outdoor gym and thus become the main forum for formulating community views.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
St Paul's Rec Outdoor Gym20/04/16 20:55:00 Mark Sherred
   Re:St Paul's Rec Outdoor Gym20/04/16 21:44:00 Anne England
      Re:Re:St Paul's Rec Outdoor Gym21/04/16 06:06:00 Reg Ghosh
         Re:Re:Re:St Paul's Rec Outdoor Gym21/04/16 07:39:00 Vanessa Smith
            Re:Re:Re:Re:St Paul's Rec Outdoor Gym21/04/16 10:22:00 Raymond Havelock
            Re:Re:Re:Re:St Paul's Rec Outdoor Gym03/06/16 22:52:00 Wendy Jane Garrison
   Re:St Paul's Rec Outdoor Gym23/04/16 12:44:00 Martin Case
      Re:Re:St Paul's Rec Outdoor Gym23/04/16 17:49:00 Raymond Havelock
         Re:Re:Re:St Paul's Rec Outdoor Gym23/04/16 19:00:00 Martin Case
            Re:Re:Re:Re:St Paul's Rec Outdoor Gym29/04/16 12:59:00 Mark Sherred
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:St Paul's Rec Outdoor Gym29/04/16 13:09:00 Raymond Havelock
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:St Paul's Rec Outdoor Gym29/04/16 18:29:00 Martin Case
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:St Paul's Rec Outdoor Gym29/04/16 20:48:00 Wendy Jane Garrison
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:St Paul's Rec Outdoor Gym30/04/16 02:43:00 Raymond Havelock
                        Re: Redlees Park Outdoor Gym03/06/16 23:39:00 Philippa Bond
                           Re:Re: Redlees Park Outdoor Gym04/06/16 07:26:00 Raymond Havelock
                           Re:Re: Redlees Park Outdoor Gym09/06/16 22:50:00 Wendy Jane Garrison

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