Forum Message

Topic: Ballymore in West Hampstead
Posted by: Jo Francis
Date/Time: 12/11/13 17:48:00

I was interested to read this Standard story regarding another Ballymore development in London - a great example of "what they say and what they do".
A taste of things to come for Brentford?
All the more reason for our councillors and planning officials to be forewarned, and make sure the parameters of the proposed Ballymore development here (which is still too high and too dense) are rigorously monitored and enforced if and when it is approved.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Ballymore in West Hampstead12/11/13 17:48:00 Jo Francis
   Re:Ballymore in West Hampstead12/11/13 19:14:00 Anthony Waller
      Re:Re:Ballymore in West Hampstead12/11/13 22:30:00 Iain Muir
   Re:Ballymore in West Hampstead23/11/13 11:45:00 David Giles

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