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Topic: Re:Labour anger over Cllr Bowens waste of tax payers money
Posted by: Paul Fisher
Date/Time: 26/09/10 09:53:00

David you seem to have forgotten that Cllr Sharma the Leader of the Council himself stated that Borough Council meetings were to be reduced this year and that was one of the reasons that members allowances were to be reduced slightly

It is also the Mayor who decides on cancelling Borough meetings so I am not sure why you and Ruth are attaching blame on Cllr Thompson for doing so in the past when their was a lack of business to discuss

The fact id that the indefinite adjournment on Tuesday evening was a gross act of cowardice by the Labour Administration and the latest act by them in their quest to push through any policy they wish without any interference

We have already seen at the Isleworth and Brentford Area Committee that Labour have now discouraged the open forum so any questions that residents may wish to ask now have to be submitted in advance and in writing and also that your group intend throwing staff from the Scrutiny Dept on the dole

The less Borough meetings held will of course also deny non executive councillors the chance to present motions or ask questions of the Lead Members and this in my opinion at least a very dangerous road that you are heading on.

You all seem to have conviniently forgotten the Special Council Meeting called a few months ago regarding twinning Hounslow with a town in Palastine so the pot calling the kettle black I think

What exactly are your group trying to hide from?

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Labour anger over Cllr Bowens waste of tax payers money 25/09/10 12:25:00 David Hughes
   Re:Labour anger over Cllr Bowens waste of tax payers money 26/09/10 09:53:00 Paul Fisher
      Re:Re:Labour anger over Cllr Bowens waste of tax payers money 27/09/10 14:17:00 Dawn Hardy
         Re:Re:Re:Labour anger over Cllr Bowens waste of tax payers money 27/09/10 14:44:00 Phil Andrews
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Labour anger over Cllr Bowens waste of tax payers money 27/09/10 15:12:00 Dawn Hardy
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Labour anger over Cllr Bowens waste of tax payers money 28/09/10 09:19:00 Ian Speed
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Labour anger over Cllr Bowens waste of tax payers money 08/10/10 12:30:00 Nic Doczi
   Councillor Mayne's trip to New York08/10/10 16:51:00 Andrew Sibley
      Re:Councillor Mayne's trip to New York08/10/10 20:28:00 Steve Taylor
         Re:Re:Councillor Mayne's trip to New York12/10/10 16:17:00 Vanessa Smith
            Re:Re:Re:Councillor Mayne's trip to New York12/10/10 20:42:00 Robin Taylor
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Councillor Mayne's trip to New York13/10/10 10:36:00 Vanessa Smith
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Councillor Mayne's trip to New York13/10/10 18:24:00 Robin Taylor
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Councillor Mayne's trip to New York13/10/10 20:00:00 Vanessa Smith
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Councillor Mayne's trip to New York13/10/10 20:53:00 Lawrence Brown
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Councillor Mayne's trip to New York13/10/10 21:23:00 Steve Taylor
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Councillor Mayne's trip to New York13/10/10 23:04:00 Robin Taylor
      Re:Councillor Mayne's trip to New York13/10/10 07:24:00 David Hughes
         Re:Re:Councillor Mayne's trip to New York13/10/10 07:38:00 David Hughes
         Re:Re:Councillor Mayne's trip to New York13/10/10 07:57:00 Steve Taylor
            Re:Re:Re:Councillor Mayne's trip to New York13/10/10 08:12:00 David Hughes
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Councillor Mayne's trip to New York13/10/10 11:14:00 Andrew Sibley
                  Re:Councillor Mayne's trip to New York13/10/10 12:03:00 Ian Roberts
                     Re:Re:Councillor Mayne's trip to New York13/10/10 13:21:00 Ian Speed
                        Re:Re:Re:Councillor Mayne's trip to New York13/10/10 14:12:00 David Hughes
                           labour election leaflet  'additional bobbies'14/10/10 07:04:00 John Todd
                              Re:labour election leaflet  'additional bobbies'14/10/10 18:09:00 David Hughes

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