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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw
Posted by: Phil Andrews
Date/Time: 14/10/09 11:54:00

A couple of day ago the BBC carried a radio interview with "two young BNP supporters".  What the reporter didn't bother to point out was that although the two boys were relatively young compared to some of us, one was actually 28 and is the BNP's Publicity Director and the other was also a key national activist.

Somehow the conversation got onto the Chelsea and England footballer Ashley Cole (who is mixed race) and as well as commenting that he was "not ethnically British" one of the interviewees remarked that "if he wants to come to this country and he wants to live by our laws, pay into society, that's fine".

The assumption being, of course, that because of his colour it automatically follows that he was born in some far off land and should be grateful to be afforded rights that others can expect to take for granted.

There are still people, including it must be said some from minority groups, who refer to "the host community".  Of course if I am a host it means others are my guests, and guests are expected to leave at some point or another.  As far as I'm concerned no British citizen is my guest. 

It is difficult to change the way that some people think, but the good news is that time and demographics are on the side of progress.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw13/10/09 14:32:00 Manria Kaur
   Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw13/10/09 14:56:00 Stephanie Kitsune
      Re:Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw13/10/09 22:27:00 Keith Iddon
   Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw13/10/09 14:57:00 Phil Andrews
      Re:Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw13/10/09 15:10:00 Stephanie Kitsune
      Re:Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw13/10/09 15:58:00 Tony Wood
         Re:Re:Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw13/10/09 17:02:00 Paul Fisher
   Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw13/10/09 17:35:00 Robert Ayres
      Re:Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw13/10/09 17:53:00 Tony Wood
      Re:Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw14/10/09 10:34:00 Manria Kaur
         Re:Re:Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw14/10/09 11:54:00 Phil Andrews
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw14/10/09 16:41:00 Tony Wood
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw14/10/09 17:26:00 Phil Andrews
         Re:Re:Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw14/10/09 17:51:00 Robert Ayres
   Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw14/10/09 19:30:00 Tony Stavides

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