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Topic: Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw
Posted by: Stephanie Kitsune
Date/Time: 13/10/09 14:56:00

Is the petition an online one or are you just getting people to send their details to you by email and then you're putting them onto a petition manually?

I'm still not sure where I stand on this one, there's not alot I wouldn't give to see Nick Griffin and the BNP disappear off the face of the planet forever. However thinking about this particular issue tactically, you'd probably do the anti-fascist movement alot of favours by giving this pathetic slimy little man a public platform to spout his hate, it'd show a much wider audience first hand exactly how vile his ideals actually are.

Besides, the man's a complete and utter coward, if he starts getting a grilling he's probably going to run away crying or something. I'm sure we all remember the look of terror on his face when he got pelted by those eggs, if he's that scared of dairy I'm pretty sure he'll flake in the face of something like.. you know.. truth.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw13/10/09 14:32:00 Manria Kaur
   Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw13/10/09 14:56:00 Stephanie Kitsune
      Re:Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw13/10/09 22:27:00 Keith Iddon
   Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw13/10/09 14:57:00 Phil Andrews
      Re:Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw13/10/09 15:10:00 Stephanie Kitsune
      Re:Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw13/10/09 15:58:00 Tony Wood
         Re:Re:Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw13/10/09 17:02:00 Paul Fisher
   Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw13/10/09 17:35:00 Robert Ayres
      Re:Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw13/10/09 17:53:00 Tony Wood
      Re:Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw14/10/09 10:34:00 Manria Kaur
         Re:Re:Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw14/10/09 11:54:00 Phil Andrews
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw14/10/09 16:41:00 Tony Wood
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw14/10/09 17:26:00 Phil Andrews
         Re:Re:Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw14/10/09 17:51:00 Robert Ayres
   Re:Ann Keen to present anti-BNP Petition to Jack Straw14/10/09 19:30:00 Tony Stavides

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