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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford
Posted by: Jim Pooley
Date/Time: 11/07/09 16:02:00

Councillor Dakers states that
"Neither Tesco (in their application - they didnt send a representative to committee) nor the Council officer that spoke at the previous meeting could give councillors information on the full lifetime benefit of installing these wind turbines, if any, once repair/ construction emmissions were factored in."
However, the committee report for the meeting (which Councillor Dakers did not attend).
"Carbon dioxide embodied in the manufacture of the turbines ranged widely. In the
best case it was 180kg. In the worst it was 1,444 kg. Delivery, installation and
maintenance over a 20-year lifespan could add from 18kg to 147kg of CO2".
Assuming a worst case scenario for manufacture and minimum for maintenance (as it
is a low maintenance wind turbine as it has no gearbox) it would give an embodied
energy of 1462KgCo2 and a payback of 2.23 years, well within its 20 year lifespan.
Over the life of the installation the predicted carbon saving is 11,638 Kg of CO2
or 11.6 tonnes for each of the turbines. Wind turbines often continue to operate
well in excess of their 20 year predicted life.
Tesco would say "every little helps".
The wind turbines will therefore help to contribute to the requirements of the London
Plan Policy 4A.7.”

So Councillor Dakers appears to be mistaken.  I am surprised by this as I though Councillor Dakers was for renewable energy.  If a car park in a supermarket is not a suitable location for a wind turbine would he care to suggest where a suitable location is.
I agree with Councillor Dakers comments that solar panels should be installed to the roof.

The reason I think Councillor Reid has grudge against Tesco's is I can't think of any other other reason why the Lead Member for Environment would reject a renewable energy project on the grounds of renewable energy produced when it has been should to be of benefit.

paragraph 20 of the supplement to PPS1
'Planning and Climate Change’ it states that planning authorities should 'not require
applicants for energy development to demonstrate either the overall need for
renewable energy and its distribution, nor question the energy justification for why a
proposal for such development must be sited in a particular location'. In addition, PPS
22 does state in paragraph 5.10 that 'planning authorities should 'recognise that a
small contribution cannot be in itself a reason for refusal of permission'. Therefore
based on this guidance the amount of electricity generated is not a material

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
renewable energy in Brentford18/06/09 18:06:00 Jim Pooley
   Re:renewable energy in Brentford19/06/09 07:30:00 Jim Linwood
      Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford19/06/09 21:31:00 Tim Henderson
         Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford20/06/09 10:20:00 Jim Linwood
            Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford20/06/09 11:19:00 Tim Henderson
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford20/06/09 13:03:00 Jim Pooley
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford20/06/09 13:15:00 Dan Filson
   Re:renewable energy in Brentford07/07/09 19:22:00 Jim Pooley
      Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford07/07/09 19:48:00 Michael Brandt
         Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford07/07/09 20:09:00 Tim Henderson
      Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford07/07/09 20:15:00 Adam Beamish
         Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford07/07/09 23:04:00 Andrew Dakers
            Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford08/07/09 08:57:00 Michael Brandt
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford08/07/09 21:44:00 Dan Filson
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford08/07/09 22:19:00 Tim Henderson
            Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford11/07/09 16:02:00 Jim Pooley
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford11/07/09 16:30:00 Andrew Dakers
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford11/07/09 17:03:00 Jim Pooley
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford11/07/09 17:40:00 Andrew Dakers
   Re:renewable energy in Brentford11/07/09 17:29:00 Tim Henderson
      Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford11/07/09 18:10:00 Jim Pooley
         Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford11/07/09 18:20:00 Andrew Dakers
         Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford11/07/09 19:01:00 Tim Henderson
            Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford21/07/09 18:59:00 Jim Pooley

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