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Topic: Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford
Posted by: Adam Beamish
Date/Time: 07/07/09 20:15:00


On what basis do you make the claim that Councillor Reid is "against renewable energy when a grudge against Tesco's is involved ?". 

You must know something I and most other local residents don't about Councillor Reid's shopping habits, as I had no idea she had a grudge against Tesco.  Nor do I suspect she's against renewable energy or government advice as set out in PPS22.

Not saying that I agree with this decision, but as someone in the business I know it's not that unusual for Councillors to refuse planning permission against Officer recommendation.  And sometimes, when that happens and the applicant appeals the decision, the Secretary of State actually shares the concerns of the Councillors, and dismisses the appeal.

So whilst yes the decision is no doubt frustrating to Tesco and their professional representatives (I've been in that position on many occasions) I can't see the basis for your allegation that Councillor Reid has some kind of grudge against Tesco.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
renewable energy in Brentford18/06/09 18:06:00 Jim Pooley
   Re:renewable energy in Brentford19/06/09 07:30:00 Jim Linwood
      Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford19/06/09 21:31:00 Tim Henderson
         Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford20/06/09 10:20:00 Jim Linwood
            Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford20/06/09 11:19:00 Tim Henderson
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford20/06/09 13:03:00 Jim Pooley
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford20/06/09 13:15:00 Dan Filson
   Re:renewable energy in Brentford07/07/09 19:22:00 Jim Pooley
      Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford07/07/09 19:48:00 Michael Brandt
         Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford07/07/09 20:09:00 Tim Henderson
      Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford07/07/09 20:15:00 Adam Beamish
         Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford07/07/09 23:04:00 Andrew Dakers
            Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford08/07/09 08:57:00 Michael Brandt
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford08/07/09 21:44:00 Dan Filson
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford08/07/09 22:19:00 Tim Henderson
            Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford11/07/09 16:02:00 Jim Pooley
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford11/07/09 16:30:00 Andrew Dakers
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford11/07/09 17:03:00 Jim Pooley
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford11/07/09 17:40:00 Andrew Dakers
   Re:renewable energy in Brentford11/07/09 17:29:00 Tim Henderson
      Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford11/07/09 18:10:00 Jim Pooley
         Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford11/07/09 18:20:00 Andrew Dakers
         Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford11/07/09 19:01:00 Tim Henderson
            Re:Re:Re:Re:renewable energy in Brentford21/07/09 18:59:00 Jim Pooley

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