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Topic: Re:Thin end of that wedge..........
Posted by: Adam Beamish
Date/Time: 06/08/20 16:40:00

I have to agree - the current system is far from perfect, but there's never going to be a perfect system given the contrasting and often contradictory aims of the many 'players' involved in the planning system.  The measures suggested in today's White Paper are something else, and whoever the bureaucrats are who have produced the paper haven't got a clue, illustrated by how within a matters of the paper being published the likes of the RIBA and the RTPI immediately issued damning press releases about it.

Hopefully there will be such a backlash against this from the professional bodies, local authorities, local organisations and the public that the Government will be forced to backtrack - and I do think the Government has underestimated the strength of opposition.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Thin end of that wedge..........06/08/20 14:02:00 Vanessa Smith
   Re:Thin end of that wedge..........06/08/20 15:43:00 Raymond Havelock
   Re:Thin end of that wedge..........06/08/20 16:40:00 Adam Beamish
      Re:Re:Thin end of that wedge..........06/08/20 16:49:00 Adam Beamish
         Re:Re:Re:Thin end of that wedge..........06/08/20 17:07:00 Vanessa Smith
      Re:Re:Thin end of that wedge..........06/08/20 21:39:00 Jim Storrar
         Re:Re:Re:Thin end of that wedge..........07/08/20 11:27:00 Adam Beamish
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Thin end of that wedge..........07/08/20 12:48:00 Vanessa Smith

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