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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alfa Laval/Brentford Nylons Tower
Posted by: Guy Lambert
Date/Time: 01/04/18 20:08:00

I have been completely confused by all this. This is from a planning officer:

"Starting from the beginning, back in 2007 The Planning Inspectorate granted permission on appeal for the ‘shroud’ advert that remains to this day. This permission has been renewed on a near annual basis since then, until late 2016 when we granted permission for 8 months only until Aug 2017.

Following which, they sought a further 8 months until now, however we refused this back in July, as we were concerned about the impact on the new block of flats on the former New England site. This is the present appeal - PINS [the Planning Inspectorate] have such a backlog of appeals it is taking around about 7/8 months to initially process appeals, hence why all has been silent for so long.

The Inquiry back in November was relating to a digital display associated with the Hyundai development. In early 2016 the car garage was approved but the screen was refused, and the latter was initially dismissed on appeal, but the developer took PINS to the High Court and the dismissal was quashed. So in November we had the rehearing of this appeal by means of Public Inquiry. This was subsequently allowed by the Inspector -  but can only realistically be implemented with the wider Hyundai development.

The current appeal relating to the shroud is under Planning ref: 00505/Z/AD45 and the Hyundai digital screen that was allowed following the Inquiry in November is under 00505/Z/AD41"

I had to read that several times to make sense of it.

We are constantly harassing the landowner to make the site secure and they did what I thought was a more thorough job a couple of months ago after the high winds brought some of the hoardings down. Sounds like I need to harass them again :(
In effect, they can now build the Hyundai showroom together with its massive ad and frankly I wish they'd get on with it but there's nothing practical that a council can do to make people proceed with development.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Alfa Laval/Brentford Nylons Tower30/01/17 18:41:00 Jim Storrar
   Re:Alfa Laval/Brentford Nylons Tower30/01/17 20:01:00 Iain Muir
      Re:Re:Alfa Laval/Brentford Nylons Tower30/01/17 23:49:00 Guy Lambert
         Re:Re:Re:Alfa Laval/Brentford Nylons Tower31/01/17 11:00:00 Raymond Havelock
   Re:Alfa Laval/Brentford Nylons Tower31/01/17 12:03:00 Alex Shpinkov
      Re:Re:Alfa Laval/Brentford Nylons Tower01/02/17 07:28:00 Guy Lambert
         Re:Re:Re:Alfa Laval/Brentford Nylons Tower01/02/17 10:02:00 Alex Shpinkov
   Re:Alfa Laval/Brentford Nylons Tower01/02/17 08:51:00 Jim Storrar
      Re:Re:Alfa Laval/Brentford Nylons Tower01/02/17 10:21:00 Raymond Havelock
         Re:Re:Re:Alfa Laval/Brentford Nylons Tower01/02/17 12:52:00 Jim Storrar
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Alfa Laval/Brentford Nylons Tower01/02/17 16:18:00 Guy Lambert
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alfa Laval/Brentford Nylons Tower01/02/17 21:28:00 Raymond Havelock
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alfa Laval/Brentford Nylons Tower01/04/18 19:12:00 Marija Kosanovic
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alfa Laval/Brentford Nylons Tower01/04/18 20:08:00 Guy Lambert
                     Alfa Laval/Brentford Nylons Tower27/06/18 09:30:00 Jim Storrar
                        Re:Alfa Laval/Brentford Nylons Tower27/06/18 10:28:00 Guy Lambert
                           Re:Re:Alfa Laval/Brentford Nylons Tower27/06/18 19:35:00 Adam Beamish
                              Alfa Laval/Brentford Nylons Tower27/06/18 20:15:00 Jim Storrar
                                 Re:Alfa Laval/Brentford Nylons Tower20/08/18 16:08:00 Jim Storrar
                                    Re:Re:Alfa Laval/Brentford Nylons Tower20/08/18 18:21:00 Adam Beamish
                                       Alfa Laval Work Stopped? 26/01/19 15:48:00 Tony Griffiths
                                          Re:Alfa Laval Work Stopped? 26/01/19 21:07:00 Guy Lambert
                                             Re:Re:Alfa Laval Work Stopped? 26/01/19 22:28:00 Iain Muir
                                                Re:Re:Re:Alfa Laval Work Stopped? 27/01/19 00:22:00 Steve Bullman
                                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Alfa Laval Work Stopped? 28/01/19 15:37:00 Guy Lambert
                                                      Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alfa Laval Work Stopped? 28/01/19 16:36:00 Adam Beamish
                                                      Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alfa Laval Work Stopped? 28/01/19 17:53:00 Tony Griffiths
                                                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alfa Laval Work Stopped? 03/03/19 10:19:00 Tony Griffiths
                                                            Alfa Laval Site - any news?06/06/19 11:24:00 Jim Storrar
                                                               Re:Alfa Laval Site - any news?06/06/19 23:56:00 Guy Lambert

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