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Topic: Re:Re:Stamp duty reduction labour vote against!
Posted by: Dave Wetzel
Date/Time: 11/01/18 15:40:00

My friend Vanessa Smith is right on all she says about affordable housing but unfortunately ignores the elephant in the debate - something that all homes require - - - - L A N D.
LAND is a free gift of nature to everybody on this planet living today.
We choose to allow 1% of our population to charge the other 99% a fee (land rent) to be allowed to occupy a space to live, work and play.
The solution?
Land rent arises when two or more people want to occupy the same site.
This annual land rent can be paid to a third party - but as it arises naturally -  might it not be better to use it to pay for public services instead of taxing wages, purchases and trade?
Many call this policy collecting "Annual Ground Rent" or more commonly - "annual Land Value Tax" (LVT).
Just imagine having cheap homes (only paying the building cost like we do with a car) and paying no income tax, no national insurance, no vat and no import duties.
Of course, the house I bought for £11,000 would not now be worth over £350k! A loss to me if I could sell and live in a free cave but a win for all those people (mainly young people) who are homeless, rent or live with friends and relatives.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
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                     Re:Stamp duty reduction labour vote against!03/01/18 16:39:00 Paul Scullion
                     Re:Stamp duty reduction labour vote against!03/01/18 18:40:00 Vanessa Smith
                        Re:Re:Stamp duty reduction labour vote against!03/01/18 22:05:00 Peter Evans
                        Re:Re:Stamp duty reduction labour vote against!11/01/18 15:40:00 Dave Wetzel

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