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Topic: Labour MPs renege on stamp duty manifesto undertaking
Posted by: John Todd
Date/Time: 20/12/17 19:34:00

Ruth Cadbury; Labour's Manifesto promise
'New deal for first time buyers - no stamp duty on your first home'

Labour MPs have voted against the proposed cut in stamp duty, despite backing it in their manifesto just six months ago. Overall, 228 Labour MPs voted against the second reading of the Finance Bill which includes the tax cut first outlined in the Budget. Shadow Treasury minister Jonathan Reynolds admitted this “was a Labour policy included in our manifesto for the June 2017 general election”, yet Labour MPs queued up to oppose the tax cut.

Breathtaking given Ruth's recent critical budget comments

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Labour MPs renege on stamp duty manifesto undertaking 20/12/17 19:34:00 John Todd
   Re:Labour MPs renege on stamp duty manifesto undertaking 20/12/17 20:59:00 Phil Andrews
      :Labour MPs renege on stamp duty manifesto undertaking 20/12/17 21:16:00 John Todd
         Re::Labour MPs renege on stamp duty manifesto undertaking 21/12/17 09:20:00 Keith Iddon
            Conservative MP reneges on commitment to resign21/12/17 11:23:00 Paul Scullion
               Re:Conservative MP reneges on commitment to resign21/12/17 12:04:00 Phil Andrews
                  Stamp duty reduction labour vote against!03/01/18 16:17:00 John Todd
                     Re:Stamp duty reduction labour vote against!03/01/18 16:39:00 Paul Scullion
                     Re:Stamp duty reduction labour vote against!03/01/18 18:40:00 Vanessa Smith
                        Re:Re:Stamp duty reduction labour vote against!03/01/18 22:05:00 Peter Evans
                        Re:Re:Stamp duty reduction labour vote against!11/01/18 15:40:00 Dave Wetzel

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