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Topic: Conservative MP reneges on commitment to resign
Posted by: Paul Scullion
Date/Time: 21/12/17 11:23:00

When will David Davis be announcing his resignation now that Damian Green has been sacked over porn lies?

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Labour MPs renege on stamp duty manifesto undertaking 20/12/17 19:34:00 John Todd
   Re:Labour MPs renege on stamp duty manifesto undertaking 20/12/17 20:59:00 Phil Andrews
      :Labour MPs renege on stamp duty manifesto undertaking 20/12/17 21:16:00 John Todd
         Re::Labour MPs renege on stamp duty manifesto undertaking 21/12/17 09:20:00 Keith Iddon
            Conservative MP reneges on commitment to resign21/12/17 11:23:00 Paul Scullion
               Re:Conservative MP reneges on commitment to resign21/12/17 12:04:00 Phil Andrews
                  Stamp duty reduction labour vote against!03/01/18 16:17:00 John Todd
                     Re:Stamp duty reduction labour vote against!03/01/18 16:39:00 Paul Scullion
                     Re:Stamp duty reduction labour vote against!03/01/18 18:40:00 Vanessa Smith
                        Re:Re:Stamp duty reduction labour vote against!03/01/18 22:05:00 Peter Evans
                        Re:Re:Stamp duty reduction labour vote against!11/01/18 15:40:00 Dave Wetzel

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