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Topic: Brentford FC presence in Brentford High Street
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Posted by: Richard Smith
Date/Time: 02/03/12 13:34:00

For the first ime in a number of years, Brentford FC will have a presence in the High Street.
Taking over the Docking Station, each Thursday from 9am-6pm,,10421~2630747,00.html

Good to see this, if only 1 day a week

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Brentford FC presence in Brentford High Street02/03/12 13:34:00 Richard Smith
   Re:Brentford FC presence in Brentford High Street03/03/12 09:56:00 Richard Atterwill
      Re:Re:Brentford FC presence in Brentford High Street03/03/12 12:16:00 Sarah Felstead
      Re:Re:Brentford FC presence in Brentford High Street05/03/12 09:15:00 Richard Smith
         Re:Re:Re:Brentford FC presence in Brentford High Street05/03/12 10:04:00 Richard Atterwill
   Re:Brentford FC presence in Brentford High Street06/03/12 11:41:00 Andrew Dakers

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