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Topic: Re:Re:Brentford FC presence in Brentford High Street
Posted by: Richard Smith
Date/Time: 05/03/12 09:15:00

Richard, I certainly agree.
Other clubs make sure their players are in the press, out visiting hospitals and the like. All it needs is someone at West Mid to forward a suggestion, a date or an occasion and I am sure the club would respond.
Plenty of people + players turned up at the recent bash celebrating 20 years of the BFC community football trust in an Audi Showroom on the A4.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Brentford FC presence in Brentford High Street02/03/12 13:34:00 Richard Smith
   Re:Brentford FC presence in Brentford High Street03/03/12 09:56:00 Richard Atterwill
      Re:Re:Brentford FC presence in Brentford High Street03/03/12 12:16:00 Sarah Felstead
      Re:Re:Brentford FC presence in Brentford High Street05/03/12 09:15:00 Richard Smith
         Re:Re:Re:Brentford FC presence in Brentford High Street05/03/12 10:04:00 Richard Atterwill
   Re:Brentford FC presence in Brentford High Street06/03/12 11:41:00 Andrew Dakers

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