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Topic: Re:Re:Re:endless road works
Posted by: Anthony Waller
Date/Time: 24/06/11 13:00:00

What Town Centre? It has a bit of a High Street here and a bit of a High street there, a few stores on the Great west road and a few shops scattered about elsewhere.

If anything needs managing its the road works.
The works at Ealing Road and The High St are still there over 6 months since I went abroad. What are they doing that takes so long with such little noticeable improvement?  How much has that cost?

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
endless road works21/06/11 08:28:00 Alan Clark
   Re:endless road works21/06/11 12:21:00 Vanessa Smith
      Re:Re:endless road works21/06/11 16:11:00 Adam Beamish
   Re:endless road works24/06/11 11:30:00 Maria Isabel Cunha
      Re:Re:endless road works24/06/11 11:56:00 Adam Beamish
         Re:Re:Re:endless road works24/06/11 13:00:00 Anthony Waller
         Re:Re:Re:endless road works24/06/11 13:47:00 Alan Clark
         Re:Re:Re:endless road works24/06/11 14:24:00 Vanessa Smith
            Re:Re:Re:Re:endless road works28/06/11 18:06:00 Ken Collins

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