Forum Message

Topic: endless road works
Posted by: Alan Clark
Date/Time: 21/06/11 08:28:00

I know that Thames Water are replacing their pipes. (I also recollect that they dug up most of Brentford a couple of years ago to do that. I guess those were different pipes. Or the wrong pipes. Or it was simply my imagination that this replacement was already done.)
However, the recent spate of road works seems poorly planned and executed. There has been few warnings or advance notices - was there any notice of the current closure of Half Acre? And there is little thought about the impact of traffic - particularly at nearby junctions or adjacent traffic lights.
So thank you Thames Water for making Brentford one big chaotic set of road works ... twice in 3 years.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
endless road works21/06/11 08:28:00 Alan Clark
   Re:endless road works21/06/11 12:21:00 Vanessa Smith
      Re:Re:endless road works21/06/11 16:11:00 Adam Beamish
   Re:endless road works24/06/11 11:30:00 Maria Isabel Cunha
      Re:Re:endless road works24/06/11 11:56:00 Adam Beamish
         Re:Re:Re:endless road works24/06/11 13:00:00 Anthony Waller
         Re:Re:Re:endless road works24/06/11 13:47:00 Alan Clark
         Re:Re:Re:endless road works24/06/11 14:24:00 Vanessa Smith
            Re:Re:Re:Re:endless road works28/06/11 18:06:00 Ken Collins

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