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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Performance Cars chap..Mr John Goldsmith
Posted by: Matt Harmer
Date/Time: 26/01/06 16:54:00

Sarah - Alan;'s phrase "He ... was an interesting person to have a chat with" tells me that Alan did, indeed, chat with him. What political people like (speaking as one myself) is other people with opinions. It's why Telling outside polling stations (asking for polling card numbers to see if people who said they'd vote for you have gone out and done the decent thing or stayed in to watch a repeat of Inspector Morse) is a cool thing to do because it's good intellectual exercise when you spend most of your time with people of similar views. (Please insert your own gags about Labour Party splits here).

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Performance Cars chap..Mr John Goldsmith24/01/06 23:59:00 Jim Lawes
   Re:Performance Cars chap..Mr John Goldsmith25/01/06 17:18:00 Alan Sheerins
   Re:Performance Cars chap..Mr John Goldsmith26/01/06 16:17:00 Jean Gilmore
      A calculating and cruel truth maybe?26/01/06 16:24:00 Sarah Felstead
      Re:Re:Performance Cars chap..Mr John Goldsmith26/01/06 16:43:00 Alan Sheerins
         Re:Re:Re:Performance Cars chap..Mr John Goldsmith26/01/06 16:54:00 Matt Harmer
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Performance Cars chap..Mr John Goldsmith26/01/06 17:01:00 Sarah Felstead
               Performance Cars chap..Mr John Goldsmith26/01/06 21:43:00 Andrew Raine
                  Re:Performance Cars chap..Mr John Goldsmith26/01/06 22:35:00 Kevin Farnan
                     Re:Re:Performance Cars chap..Mr John Goldsmith27/01/06 00:30:00 Jim Lawes
                        Re:Re:Re:Performance Cars chap..Mr John Goldsmith26/06/23 15:51:00 JONATHAN Lucas GOLDSMITH
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Performance Cars chap..Mr John Goldsmith30/06/23 17:58:00 Sharon Trevor
                           Re:Performance Cars chap..Mr John Goldsmith30/06/23 18:32:00 Barbara Dudley
                              Re:Re:Performance Cars chap..Mr John Goldsmith30/06/23 20:46:00 Jim Lawes
                                 Re:Re:Re:Performance Cars chap..Mr John Goldsmith01/07/23 15:34:00 Ron Curant
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Performance Cars chap..Mr John Goldsmith10/07/23 00:18:00 Jim Lawes

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