Very interesting small comment in Guy Lambert's blog this week, regarding SuDS, Sustainable Drainage Systems. This was regarding people paving over their front gardens, many to enable them to park their cars there.
One of the things that grinds my gears is the number of people who drive over our footpaths without the benefit of a proper vehicular crossover, in order to use the front garden as their own parking space. I have to say that LBH are appalling at any enforcement to put a stop to this - which contravenes The Highways Act 1980 Section 184. You should apply for a crossover from the Highways Authority - which happens to be your local council, this would also ensure that the council would be in a position to also ensure that any hardstanding installed to park the vehicle, was permeable or had sufficient drainage, thus helping us to save water. However, Hounslow's so-called 'Enforcement' seems to consist of maybe sending a feeble letter to any offenders pointing this out to them, then absolutely nothing happens. Apart from the damage to footpaths - what damage is possible to the services underneath them? Were LBH to actually enforce - this would bring in much needed revenue as they would be the people constructing the crossovers and possibly the hardstandings if a householder did not want to do that themselves. Why oh why LBH don't offer some sort of amnesty and a reduced rate to encourage the uptake - and make it clear if people don't comply - they will take the appropriate action? |