Forum Message

Topic: Re:Update from Connect  Plus
Posted by: Raymond Havelock
Date/Time: 03/10/23 17:18:00

Well done Cllr Lambert for making this public.

I suspect that's because you are as aware as anyone living and working locally that is utter bull.

Welfare of operatives.  That's a good one. Maybe LBH or the Health and Safety executive need to pop along and see what welfare entails along these works.

What about the welfare of local employees and residents unfortunate to be inflicted along the section of works.

The dust is driving everywhere having been a very windy summer. But the stench of non compliant diesel compressors is disgusting in some areas. constant 7 day a week noise particularly near the MoT and Hotel and flats near Ealing Road.

Who is looking after their welfare I wonder?

As for not knowing what the project entails. Well that has to be the Bull**** baffles  Brains. Except the history of the pillars and support spars has been very well documented and the depth of the problems well known for at least 30 years.

It's a complete fob off and Cllr. Dunne need to get of her bike and start supporting rather than indulging in her anti vehicle theology.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Update from Connect  Plus 03/10/23 14:35:00 Guy Lambert
   Re:Update from Connect  Plus 03/10/23 17:18:00 Raymond Havelock
   Re:Update from Connect  Plus 03/10/23 18:56:00 Alison Robins
      Re:Re:Update from Connect  Plus 04/10/23 06:51:00 David Cook

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