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Topic: Re:Re:20.6bn litres of raw sewage discharged into the Thames at Mogden between early 2019 and  May 2023
Posted by: Jim Lawes
Date/Time: 21/09/23 12:56:00

I have a family relation who travels around  parts of Scotland taking domestic water samples from homes and business premises for the water's analysis at a Scottish Laboratory.

Does such testing ever take place in Brentford?

A sample of water from the River Thames at Brentford might be alarming.
If the mud on the riverbank was tested too ... alarm bells might ring.!

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
20.6bn litres of raw sewage discharged into the Thames at Mogden between early 2019 and  May 202312/09/23 14:16:00 Tracie Dudley Craig
   Re:20.6bn litres of raw sewage discharged into the Thames at Mogden between early 2019 and  May 202312/09/23 16:40:00 Jim Lawes
      Re:Re:20.6bn litres of raw sewage discharged into the Thames at Mogden between early 2019 and  May 202320/09/23 08:23:00 Raymond Havelock
      Re:Re:20.6bn litres of raw sewage discharged into the Thames at Mogden between early 2019 and  May 202321/09/23 12:56:00 Jim Lawes
         Re:Re:Re:20.6bn litres of raw sewage discharged into the Thames at Mogden between early 2019 and  May 202322/09/23 07:25:00 Raymond Havelock
         Re:Re:Re:20.6bn litres of raw sewage discharged into the Thames at Mogden between early 2019 and  May 202322/09/23 17:09:00 Tim Henderson

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