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Topic: 20.6bn litres of raw sewage discharged into the Thames at Mogden between early 2019 and  May 2023
Posted by: Tracie Dudley Craig
Date/Time: 12/09/23 14:16:00

‘Mogden, close to the River Thames, also tracks the volume of raw sewage it discharges.

Between early 2019 and May this year it spilled 20.6bn litres – the equivalent to roughly 8,000 Olympic pools, according to data released by Thames Water in response to an environmental information request.’ - The Guardian, Tuesday 12th September 2023

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
20.6bn litres of raw sewage discharged into the Thames at Mogden between early 2019 and  May 202312/09/23 14:16:00 Tracie Dudley Craig
   Re:20.6bn litres of raw sewage discharged into the Thames at Mogden between early 2019 and  May 202312/09/23 16:40:00 Jim Lawes
      Re:Re:20.6bn litres of raw sewage discharged into the Thames at Mogden between early 2019 and  May 202320/09/23 08:23:00 Raymond Havelock
      Re:Re:20.6bn litres of raw sewage discharged into the Thames at Mogden between early 2019 and  May 202321/09/23 12:56:00 Jim Lawes
         Re:Re:Re:20.6bn litres of raw sewage discharged into the Thames at Mogden between early 2019 and  May 202322/09/23 07:25:00 Raymond Havelock
         Re:Re:Re:20.6bn litres of raw sewage discharged into the Thames at Mogden between early 2019 and  May 202322/09/23 17:09:00 Tim Henderson

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